Election Coverage

Dodge County Sheriff's Race - Summer 2022

Dodge County Sheriff Defends Workplace Culture, Touts Accountability

(Juneau) Dodge County Sheriff Dale Schmidt defended his record Friday on WBEV’s Community Comment. His opponent in the August Republican primary claimed the department’s high turnover rate in recent years was evidence of an unhealthy work environment. Schmidt calls the implication a (quote) “farce” saying 14 agencywide resignations last year were no different than any other workplace or even sheriff’s office.

Colker Says New Leadership Needed In Dodge County Sheriff's Office

(Juneau) The challenger in the race for Dodge County sheriff says a change in leadership is needed. Mark Colker, who is a 24-year law enforcement veteran, notes a high turnover rate at the sheriff’s department in recent years. Colker says according to the current sheriff’s annual reports, there have been 45 hires made within the last three years. He says that means there were 45 vacancies and he believes currently there are more than that.